Marriage: Does It Matter Who Go First?

I always recall the days I and my husband (when we were still courting) spent together strengthening our relationship, building each other's faith up and celebrating the love we had. I believe that these things are essential to make a relationship work. As per our favorite bible passage states, "Two is better than one... For if one of them falls, the other can help his partner up." - Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10. That is also how I saw the secret person of the heart, his motives, and what his real personality is. His goals became attainable for him. He showed me he is someone who is firm to his words, that I can trust what he said, and he never dilly dally in doing what is best. Humans are not perfect, you might say, but that imperfection doesn't need to inhibit any good deeds in the first place. And we are all unique too. We differ from each other and that is certain.

I remembered a friend telling me to be careful, that maybe, I am just seeing through a pink glasses. She was right when she advised me to be diligent and careful, so I did what I have to do to avoid doing anything to make any mistakes. The good thing is, I never did it alone. In our relationship, we both worked together, we both did our parts. We never had downfalls, or we did not have lots of downfalls I should say. Another reason for that is, our families were the best support we can ever had!

So anyway, far from the very long introduction, does it really matter who marries first?

I believe not.

There is no "too young" or "too old" as per say for marriage. It is a bond of union given to us by God. Nobody should decide for you whether you are too young or too old to fall in love and finally tie the knot. Other people can just suggest, but they do not have the last words for one's decision.

If you are in your late 20s or early 30s, people might tell you to tie the knot if you're in a relationship. You can marry whenever you want but please, you should not just fall into someone else's voice telling you what you should do and what you should want. Don't give in to pressure. You are better than that. We are all created to have the sense of thinking, reasoning or judgment. We should all use this freedom wisely. If you have no doubts and really want to marry, then go on. As long as it is in legal terms and so.

If you are young and you've decided, no one can get into you of preventing this to happen. If they want to get married first before you, then kick their butt out and work on it. Marriage isn't a race. It is a personal choice.

And since people have always something to say, they never thought it is a very strong force for others. Can't they just keep it to themselves and shut up? It's funny to think that way because that will never happen. They can just say whatever they want even without thinking just because they have a very shallow reasoning.

I think I have portrayed what my message is. So, I'm out of here. Kbye.

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