the sunday currently | vol. 7

Hello everyone! It was a nice day today again! I don't have work, so as my husband, so we went to the cinema and watched my favorite Mission Impossible movie with some friends. It was nice having a day off after a whole week of work. Anyhow, I am happy too to have new readers for my blog. I've received a direct message from Instagram saying that my posts are informative. Ohh, that makes me happy. It means that I don't only post crappy stuffs here. Hahaha.

So currently, I am...

Reading and looking for Tiramisu recipe online. My husband asked me if we can have that dessert one of these days. And actually, I am thinking of making refrigerated cake for dessert. Too bad that I did not pursued it, he must have had his craving the past days already. Last time, I was at a supermarket and I have the ingredients in my hands already. But knowing that I only have limited cash that time, I returned everything. Maybe, tomorrow, I will o back to the supermarket and finally buy them.

Writing plots for my job because this month is going to be a blast. It will be a very busy month for me and for my husband. We will go to Manila for a 3-day convention, we will try to get a schengen visa for me, and we will try to prepare for our trip to the Netherlands. I hope it will not be a toxicating month. I hope we will still find time to watch movies and so. Anyways, I am not anxious about those things. I know we will have time to bond with each other, no matter what.

Listening to nothing. At the moment, I am not in the mood to listen to anything.

Thinking of making a request to have a special plotting for work.

Smelling the odd wet ground smell because of the nonstop rain this weekend. I think I'll be brushing out the concrete floor at the back of the house again.

Wishing to receive my passport this week, since they said that it will arrive of the 2nd of August, but, of course, I doubt that.

Hoping for the time to slow down a bit. I cannot keep the pace. It was super fast! Haha.

Wearing my pajamas which are partnering up. It is a blue Hello Kitty, a gift from my mom.

Loving the grocery haul we did last night, wuhoo! We have food again!

Wanting to make a dessert for GJ. Maybe, I will make avocado ice cream today. We got lots of them from my parents yesterday. And also, bags of jackfruit. Yummy!

Needing finish this blog post so I can work on the dummy schedule that I made.

Feeling sleepy. I watched another Mission Impossible last night after the cinema. So I stayed awake til 12 midnight. Can't get enough of Tom Cruise I guess. LOL.

Watching noting at the moment. But maybe, I will watch another Mission Impossible movie again later while doing something in the kitchen. Why not?

So I think that's it! How about you? How was your week so far?

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