Crossing Oceans: Vol. 5 | Merve & Arnas

Hey everybody! I'm now on my fifth wave of the serie Crossing Oceans. I never thought I'll reach this far. And, there's still a lot more stories to come! That is just super overwhelming. Anyways, my weekend was superb and I fully enjoyed the company of my dear brothers and sisters.

So now, let's hear the answers of this couple from Turkey and Lithuania and know how they keep their relationship working even they live 1,992 kilometers away from each other.

So, let's start the Q&A. :)

How did you and your partner meet?
We met when he came to my school with Erasmus Project. I sent him friend request on Facebook and then we started talking.

How long have you guys been together?
We have been together more than 2 years.

What is your & your partner's nationality?
I’m Turkish and he is Lithuanian.

What is the biggest pet peeve in your relationship?
amm the most annoying thing is distance in our relationship. But it’s not that bad because You
start learning how important time is. So you try to have most amazing moments w people you love. Because you know that you may not be able to have it.

How do you deal with your interracial differences?
We have more tolerance for each other and respectful to our cultural differences as well. For me, it’s so awesome to learn new things about his country. we are open-minded as well.we like to explore new places, put something new in our lives.

What was the worst problem you've encounter in your relationship?
Well the biggest problem for us was religion. I’m Muslim but he was atheist. You may know that a Muslim person cannot marry w a non Muslim person. All the time when we started talking about religion, we're arguing. Then made a deal wi him. If I would prove the answers of his questions in our holy book, he would start searching my religion more. I tried to prove and after some time, he changed his mind. He searched more and got closer to Islam. A year later of our relationship he converted himself to Muslim.

What quality do you like most about your partner?
I like the most that he is so respectful to me, especially to my parents. Also even if it is first time to be in somewhere and meet someone, he behaves so sincerely and can find his feet easily.

What was the best gift you have ever received from your partner?
Best gift I’ve received from him was teddy bear.

What was the greatest sacrifice you've done for your partner so far?
yet I do. But probably will be when I will move to Lithuania.

What makes your relationship unique and special?
Having him makes everything special. It’s so perfect that we can understand from our voices
when something is wrong for us. We can handle many problems together. No matter what we can support each other and we know how to make a harmony from our differences.

What do you look forward to in your relationship on the next 10 years?
Ohh imagine myself as a psychologist, married him, exploring the world and having kids in 10 years.

What advice can you give to other LDR couples out there?
First of all would like to say that if you really think that you can handle a long distance relationship, then start. İt’s not that easy, there will be times no talking, having limited times, feeling alone and saying good byes. Be patient, trust your partner and stay positive. I think being positive is the most important thing in a relationship. Because no one would want someone who always think of bad things. Always smile to your love, give all support as much as you can. Don’t hide anything from him/her because EVEN if it would be nothing or unnecessary for you, could be so much for that person so those hidden things could ruin your relationship easily. When you argue with your partner, immediately remember how limited time is and it may be your last time to see your love. Fighting LDR family! You can do it!.

And through this post, I am extending my appreciation to this couple for taking time answering the questions. Thanks again M & A!

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