It's ten o'clock. Dogs of the neighbor are barking, somehow, it seems like all the other neighbors do not actually getting disturbed by the sound. I am. It's just difficult to go outside, talk to the owners, in the middle of the night. I'm happy tho that I do not work at night anymore, otherwise, my students will never be happy hearing those loud barks.
Anyways, I just finished my Netflix series. You might know about it since it is one of top 10 on the platform. It's Crush Landing On You. It was nice, I finished it in a few days. I was short but I do not complain, I prefer that than the one we have in our local TV, it has been years now, the main actor was shot, stabbed, poisoned (I think), but still well and kicking.
Today, I planned to call the water delivery because I only have a few drops left, but then, I fell asleep. This morning, I went to check on the availability of my visa card in the bank. I've been waiting for it for three weeks now. When they told me that it's available, I made a schedule that I will be retrieving my card. Sadly, the name in the card remained the same, my maiden name. My plan is actually to take it with me abroad. I was dismayed. The expectation turned into a wave of anger inside of me. Of course, I did not let it go out but inside, I was so mad.
Then after, I went to pay some bills. The house rent, the telephone bill, a gift for a friend. Seems like never-ending bills to pay.
I went home, hungry, only to find out that I do not have spare groceries for this week anymore. Anyways, I will not spend that much here any longer. It's better to empty the fridge than to leave something that might spoil.
Few minutes after going up to bed, I felt like I am not tired yet. My mind is still working so sharply that I needed to force my body to stand up and do something.
So far, February had been good to me. My anxiety
from the previous post left, and I felt better emotionally. I miss my man, and that's given. But not for long, we will be with each other again.
Now I feel tired, after yawing, I think I am ready to go to bed again and sleep. I hope March will be better than February. Success!