Dear Husband (formerly Future Husband)

You may recall that from time to time, I write something to tell to my future husband. It is called An Open Letter series (since everyone can see it). But now that we are already married, here is another way to express my feelings for him through my blog. I am not boasting about how perfect he is, but he is just one of a kind and someone who's impossible to find. I was super fortunate enough to come to know him. (Cheesy!)

Dear husband,

I tried to compile every single thing I learned about you and from that, I was able to create this list I call, "100 Reasons". It might be so mainstream since it seems like everyone's sharing this list. Anyhow, that did not stop me from doing so.

Here it goes.

1. You have a big heart that you don't focus on the bad things about others and just focus on the good ones. We are not perfect but you display so much love for others even they turn their backs on you. They won't see it perhaps, because they just see what's outside. But if they will look deeper, they'll see the sincere, honest YOU.

2. You love listening to my endless stories and you never get tired of me. I might not have the most interesting topics or conversation in the world but you genuinely pay attention. I love it that I can talk about everything or nothing at all with you.

3. Though not in the wedding vow, you show me that you deeply respect me.

4. Simple things, big things, you don't care. For you, everything I do is an effort and a proof that I am so into you. And you never take that for granted.

5. You understand how I badly need chips and beer when I am having my PMS.

6. Women can be dramatic sometimes. But you never told me I was one. You never add burden and anxiety, besides, you always make me feel safe.

7. You have your own way of making me laugh. And you love laughing with me.

8. You don't give up on me. Though I feel irritated, you give me time and space, then after, we're good again. Blame PMS!

9. You are as gentle as a baby on the inside. You cry, you become sad, you are a human being, a real person.

10. You don't boast about what you've achieved. You are humble.

11. Others may find you offensive, but you just want to help. You want improvements, you want others to progress.

12. Even though you get hurt, you stay in control. You let me care for you.

That's it for now.

Always and Forever,

For now, I have had compiled a dozen. But the next time I post, I will make sure to complete the 100 reasons. :)


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