Crossing Oceans: Vol. 6 | Rishabh & Issy

Hey guys! My week was so intense that I almost forgot about my blog. But don't worry, I am definitely now back on track.

For our featured couple today, here is a co-blogger I met on Instagram. They are bloggers, dancers and travel enthusiasts. They share the same passion for Dancing, Travelling and Exploring the beauty and uniqueness of the world. They are also foodies by heart witnessing gastronomy all over the earth.

So, let's not dilly dally and start the Q&A. :)

How did you and your partner meet?
We met at a swing dance party, when Rishabh was in Bulgaria.

How long have you guys been together?
1 Year and 8 months.

What is your & your partner's nationality?
Rishabh is from India. Taisiya is from Bulgaria.

What is the biggest pet peeve in your relationship?
Physical Presence.

How do you deal with your interracial differences?
We guess, understanding each other is the key.

What was the worst problem you've encounter in your relationship?
The distance!

What quality do you like most about your partner?
Rishabh's understanding nature and Issy's positive attitude.
For Rishabh: Issy's optimism and love.
For Issy: Rishabh's understanding and patience.

What was the best gift you have ever received from your partner?
We have given each other a lot of gifts but the best one for both us would be the fact that we're trying visiting each other as frequent as possible!

What was the greatest sacrifice you've done for your partner so far?
We don't think, there have been any such sacrifices. Perhaps we've not yet reached a stage, where we had to sacrifice something.

What makes your relationship unique and special?
Every relationship is unique and special im their own ways. With us maybe it's the difference in culture.

What do you look forward to in your relationship on the next 10 years?
We are working on closing the distance by 2019. Grow our blog and take it to new heights in the upcoming years.

What advice can you give to other LDR couples out there?
No matter what, always listen to your heart. Listen to that inner voice and remind yourself why you started this relationship, answer to which every person in LDR would say is: "Yes, it is worth it."

Thank you very much Wandering Waffles. To visit their blog, click this link to be directed.

So, that's it! See you again guys on my next feature!

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